10 Affiliate Marketing Tips: How To Turn Recommendations To Passive Income

Affiliate marketing is arguably the best thing to happen to man in the digital world, after the internet. Think of a system that allows you to make passive income from recommendations of products you like.

And the best part is, you don’t have to own those products or manage any inventory, all you do is find an existing product on demand, and get someone else who needs the product so badly to buy, and voila, you get your commission wired straight to your bank account.

So easy? Affiliate marketing isn’t hard provided you are a step ahead, furnished with all the tips and strategies you need to excel in the space.

Don’t fret, this article promises to provide you with the key strategies and tips you need to turn mere recommendations into passive streams of income.

Ready? Let’s get started.

1- Build an audience and find out what they want

The first decision you make as an affiliate marketer is not what to sell or how to sell it, but who to sell to. Who to sell to will inform what to sell and how to sell it. When you build an audience and understand what they want, you will be better positioned to recommend products that directly suits their needs.

Building an audience starts with selecting a niche, what kind of audience do you want to sell to, then develop strategies to build a solid online relationship with them, by creating contents they will find engaging. Then dig deeper into their needs, wants and desires to understand what products and services they would crave to buy.

2- Choose a trusted affiliate marketing platform

Afterwards, recommend a few products and watch their reactions closely. Learn from that to decide what to recommend next and begin to earn passively.

Next is to go for an affiliate platform with well verified and trusted vendors. Find out from others who use the platform on how it works and how quick and easy orders are processed. You also want to look at their product reviews, to see how reliable they are.

This is why Traffikate provides you with an affiliate marketing community where you can interact with other affiliates and see first hand how smooth and easy the process flows. Such community provide you with insights that would inform your decision on what products to go for, with added benefits like marketing trainings and expert advice.

One more thing you need to keep in mind while choosing an affiliate marketing platform is to avoid violating ethical standards like forging of IDs, as such actions may backfire.

3- Follow trends to keep in touch with consumers tastes

Consumers tastes are often influenced by trends. If winter tweets suddenly become top of the trend, you know it’s time to recommend winter products. When everyone is making comparison between two particular devices and it’s trending. You know it’s time to find out which one your customers think is the best and add it to your products recommendations.

Trends are a great way to find out people’s opinions and how much they support a particular course, which could indirectly give you an insight about the kind of products that would appeal to them.

4- Recommend products of values

Wonder why Traffikate always update her affiliate marketers about the top selling products. It’s because we understand the more valuable the customers find your product, the more you sell and earn. This is not to say other products are not of value. In fact, you could find a hot selling product on your own, but if you are passionate enough to keep the sales coming, you deserve a heads up.

Before you recommend a product, ensure you understand how it works and who it is made for. Check out its unique features from the materials provided. Go to the company’s page if possible for more information. If it’s exactly what your audience are looking for, then you can go on to recommend.

5- Choose vendors with well optimized landing page

You now understand that in affiliate marketing, you don’t own the products (physical or digital), someone else does. If your vendor has a poorly optimized landing page, then it may affect their conversions which in turn affect your commissions in a bad way.

A poorly optimized landing page include a bad user experience design, low quality content, too many ads, lots of call to action and unbelievable promises. A combination of one or two of this is enough to get a customer taking a u-turn just as they land on the landing page. 

A good landing page is properly designed to make the sales process easy for you and the buying decision a lot more easier for the buyer.

6- Research search intents

You have an affiliate marketing website and need your audience to visit it more often, then you need to know more about search intents. It simply means what’s on your target audience mind, when they search on google. Are they looking for a way to stay focused and productive? Do you have a digital product on sale that addresses that? It’s time to open up a way for them to check up your website.

To do this, you need to look up for keywords and become familiar with keyword research tools like Ahref and sem rush. You may also need to get registered on local business listings to make your affiliate marketing campaign more visible.

7- Create product tutorials

How does the product works, your audience want to know? Product tutorials have been found to be a considerable factor in influencing buyer’s decision. It also make you stand out from a bunch of other affiliate marketers, who wouldn’t go further than post images of the product.

Product tutorials should highlight the major features of the product and what makes it so special from the other options 

available to the buyer.

Product tutorials also position you to fulfill the needs of those searching for how to use the product online, generating more traffic and sales, and contributing significantly to your success in affiliate marketing.

8- Include reviews while promoting products 

As an affiliate marketer, you should consider including customer reviews while promoting your products. Including reviews provide relevant information about the product quality.

A study by Hostinger revealed 89% of consumers worldwide would first go through online reviews before making a purchase. This statistic could be associated with the recent trend of what I ordered vs what I got, where consumers are disappointed in the stark difference between the product they saw online or on an affiliate marketing platform, and the  product delivered to them eventually.

Having a glimpse into what other users or buyers have to say about the product, makes it easier for the buyer to trust they are buying the right thing.

9- Take advantage of peak shopping time

There are periods when buyers go into a buying frenzy, maybe because of a seasonal need or to commemorate a special occasion. An example is Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, etc.

These periods are more than just special days for affiliate marketers, they are also a time to make more money. Consider running targeted social media ads during this time to maximize the benefit.

It’s also important to go for products that offer bonuses and discounts at this period, as it’s the culture. If your product cost more than another one with a discount, then there’s no news debating which one a customer will go for.

10- Utilize social media features to your advantage

From reels to live streams, you need to learn how to make the best use of social media feature and tools as an affiliate marketer. Your bio is a good place to place a link tree that leads to a place where all your affiliate offers can be listed. 

You can also use chat bots and other automation tools to manage orders and ensure everything flow as planned.

Get the best affiliate marketing deals from Traffikate

Now you are fully equipped with tips that would ease your journey in the affiliate marketing space. What a better way to implement all that you’ve learnt than a platform that offers you incredible deals as high as 50% on recommended products. You can sign up on Traffikate to explore a wide range of digital and physical products, and be part of a community where you can benefit from expert ideas and mentorship.

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